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Melbourne monitors pollen in real time - Swisens

Written by Swisens | Jan 12, 2022 6:48:00 AM

SwisensPoleno Mars provides data and monitors pollen in real time for pollen allergy sufferers in Melbourne.

Local TV station 9 News Melbourne in collaboration with Melbourne Pollen, report benefits of real-time pollen data for both scientists and Melbourne residents affected by pollen allergies:

Thanks to SwisensPoleno Mars, hay fever sufferers in Melbourne are getting never-before-seen data to help them manage their allergies. Scientists at the University of Melbourne can now track pollen in the air in real time and send the data directly to people’s smartphones.

SwisensPoleno Mars in Melbourne

With one in five Australians suffering from hay fever, many are already using the Melbourne Pollen Count and Forecast app. Doctors Edwin Lampugnani and Ed Newbigin are confident that the brand new technology represents the biggest breakthrough in pollen detection since the 1950s: “It’s going to be a big deal,” Dr. Lampugnani said.

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